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oprogramowania w naszej bazie danych.
Klienci na całym świecie
od 2015 roku.
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DevsData LLC jest agencją rekrutacyjną IT z dostęp do najbardziej utalentowanych inżynierów oprogramowania, w Europie i na świecie.
Stawiamy na najwyższą jakość i elastyczność, aby sprostać potrzebom naszych klientów.
Większość pracowników zatrudniamy w ciągu 10 dni lub krócej. Przechodzą oni przez rygorystyczny proces rekrutacyjny, zbudowany na bazie naszych 8 lat doświadczeń w branży.
I agree to and accept that DevsData LLC will provide better user experience by collecting, analyzing and cataloging information about Internet electronic addresses that I have connected with my devices and about the type of my devices (such as the type and version of software) as well as by making automatic decisions (not involving sensitive data). The agreement applies for the legally binding period, or until either the user or DevsData LLC withdraws from the agreement. Withdrawing from the agreement will result in removing the user's data. Please see our privacy policy.
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DevsData LLC® | 1820 Avenue M #481, Brooklyn, NY 10001 |
“I interviewed about a dozen different firms. DevsData LLC is truly exceptional – their backend developers are some of the best I’ve ever worked with. I’ve worked with a lot of very well-qualified developers, locally in San Francisco, and remotely, so that is not a compliment I offer lightly. I appreciate their depth of knowledge and their ability to get things done quickly. “
Nicholas Johnson
CEO of Orange Charger LLC,
Ex-Tesla Engineer,
Mentor at YCombinator